The cube method for strongman is an unbelievable value as a stand alone product. If youre looking for a cube method calculator, blackironbeast is your best bet. I think the cube method will work because i hear from many people. The programme, to a large extent, has been based on a westside template. Cube method vs 531 strength and power the gripboard. Its difficult for me to express the significance of this in one line so allow me to reiterate while using italics because you and i both know italics makes me even more serious. Brandon is a top ranked powerlifter, author of the cube method, and 365strong, as well as a respected strength coach. It fits into that template fine, and therefore will work. It doesnt have rep maxes like in 531, it is a planned progression designed to get you to peak for a competition. But again i say at baseline, because if 531 is done properly, you vary the intensity and which sets you take to failure based off knowing your body, which many lifters when starting these types of programs do not. They commonly squat weights we consider the cube method 10 stop looking for a magic program or pill, the only path to true success is hard work and time.
Alexey nikulin squats 360 kg794 lbs at 83 kg183 lbs bwraw, no wraps brian shaw 1025 lb466 kg deadlift in training. Many times, newbies who are using a westside template forget this chart and hit something like 10 singles above 90% and wonder why their cns is shot and they fell like sit. We use a lot more volume on our dynamic effort days. We are both powerlifters, having started to compete early this year and now with a couple meets under our belts. Juggernaut training method base program spreadsheet 2020. Hey guys, ive read the book and want to start giving it a go. A cube can be easily assembled by downloading a paper cube template on a regular sized paper, cutting it out, folding alongside the. Westside barbell template working with the standard template by jim wendler for. Just dont understand some things that you suggested like heavy db rows between sets on bench day and why do you separate bench daypress daydeadlift day etc. The cube method for strongman is the strongman training program that has taken.
Also, if you look at most of the top raw lifters of this era, they tend to mix in 35 rm work on their heavy days. Strongmen have been hitting pr after pr taking their strength to levels previously not imagined. The template is a framework or blueprint which can be used for creating a generic class or function. Brandon lilly, one of the greatest powerlifters raw and geared still competing, published the cube method out of my absolute frustration with my. Ladder and agility for cube method for strongman youtube.
Before i begin its important for me to clarify what i aim to accomplish through writing this article. I cover some pros and cons with each program as well as share some old lifting stories. The knowledge and experience of a 10 year career in powerlifting the cube method has given me the greatest multiply, and raw totals in my career. Brandon lillys cube method program spreadsheet 2020 lift vault. Theres also a deload week which regular cube doesnt have, for example. There are tons of great powerlifting programsthe westside conjugate method, 531, and block periodization to name a fewbut nothing quite like the cube method, a 10week program developed by brandon lilly, a worldrenowned powerlifter and owner of a threelift total in excess of 2,000 pounds. Interview with zydrunas savickas big z 4 x worlds strongest man. If you are preparing for a meet, the juggernaut method also includes a peaking template to prepare you to step on the platform and dominate.
The cube method is a fairly new routine gaining popularity. Get the cube method for strongman ebook at get my other book. Jan 29, 2018 slowly dropped from 205 to about 170 at 59 over about 4 years. This is not a beginner program, the progeessions are slow.
In writing this article i solely aim to provide a reliable source of information which outlines how to use the westsidebarbell conjugate method this article will not be devoted to explaining the science or methodology behind conjugate method periodization. Dec, 2012 the cube method for strongman is an unbelievable value as a stand alone product. If anyones interested in brandon lillys cube method heres the excel spreadsheet. Im doing lillys cube with overhead work instead of bench to prep for a strongman contest in april. The first thing i do when writing a program for someone is what i call a needs analysis. I already checked cube method for strongman and 531 for strongman for sure. Josh is the author of the revolutionary training system the cube method for strongman. The purpose of this article is to give aspiring strongman competitors a template to use when putting together a program. Dec 12, 2016 if i am not mistaken, brandon lillys premise for the cube method was that lifting to max singles wasnt always necessary every week and it was for the same reasons mentioned. We are currently looking for strongman contests, along with more powerlifting meets after the cube method testing is.
One of the most unique and interesting aspects of the juggernaut method is the progression schematic. The cube method is a comprehensive program that will help you take out all of the uncertainty in your training and finally give you a definitive program to help you to achieve your goals. This calculator is for the improved cube program described in his book 365 strong. It takes more than just being a dude whos strong in the gym to be good at. With that in mind, a bodybuilding or powerlifting routine probably isnt the best way to develop the skills you need to succeed. That said, the ebook is only 69 pages long and more than half of it centers around brandon lillys philosophies about life rather than the actual cube method. Brandon lilly is the creator of the cube method, and currently trains at berea barbell in berea, ky. I think his 531 approach is good for moving event training if you have a partner who can time your runs. In the book brandon goes over specific weight percentages and set and reps that should be performed during the cycle. Cube method for strongman 3 starting strongman store. Lillys cube method takes a major deviation from this formula and never has you lifting very heavy for more than one day in any week. The standard template there is a great story from dave about how the standard template originated. The numbers of a cubes square faces, vertices and edges is 6, 8 and 12 respectively.
To be clear, i am going to be focusing on his most recent release of the program also known as the cube boss method, cube kingpin, and cube 365 strong. The cube method estimating is a single rate method of estimating based on the cubic content of a building. My girlfriend and i are both testers for brandon lilly and his cube method, and all of our training is planned out by him. Once linear gains stall theres a bunch of intermediate programmes that can be used 531, texas method, madcow, and so on and so on. Apr 18, 2020 the cube method utilizes a back to basics architecture that programs periods of heavy, explosive, repbased, and body work on the big three lifts to form each cycle. Every ten weeks, youre supposed to compete andor do a gym mock meet to test your new 1rms. Cube method successfails powerlifting forums t nation. The cube method utilizes a back to basics architecture that programs periods of heavy, explosive, repbased, and body work on the big three lifts to form each cycle. In another 4 weeks i will hit 6 months on the cube method for strongman 2. The cube method ebook can be found on amazon or jts strength. In the book brandon goes over specific weight percentages and set and. If i am not mistaken, brandon lillys premise for the cube method was that lifting to max singles wasnt always necessary every week and it was for the same reasons mentioned. Eddie the beast hall teaches you how to deadlift properly.
The cube method for strongman is the strongman training program that has taken athlete after athlete to the next level of strength. Cost per cubic metre method is specific for building projects and aims to overcome the current criticism floor area method that does not take into account possible variations of the storey height. I also think the cube method works because there are numberspercents to hit that are written in on max effort days. Which actual method will work slightly better than all others for op is going to be different for him than everyone else. For example, in week 1 of the cube method, youll squat heavy on monday, perform lighter rep work for the bench on wednesday, and perform explosive work for the deadlift on friday. Lilly gives you a lot of freedom when choosing your assitance work for this program. The cube method for strongman juggernaut training systems.
Brandon has trained at some of the worlds best powerlifting gyms including westside barbell, lexen xtreme, and guerrilla squad barbell. So when putting together a program for strongmen competitorsthat s competitors as in actually prepping for competition, not guys who just train with the implements and dont competewe have to take the following things into consideration. But thats because dave signs my checks and i have to nod and laugh whenever he says. Brandon lillys cube method program spreadsheet lift vault.
A strongman needs to be a wellrounded athlete with speed, endurance and technique. The cube method for strongman athletic sports individual sports. Because the cube method is an actual powerlifting program, it is designed as a 10 week cycle. Asking others when the method has been shown to be generally effective serves basically no purpose whatsoever unless one thing about the method in particular might be. Weekly training structure for a strongman starting strongman. Powerlifter log cube method training logs forums t. Ill have to look at the spreadsheet when i get home. Jun 15, 2014 josh is the author of the revolutionary training system the cube method for strongman. But your routine perfectly suit for me to be honest. As of this publishing, brandon holds the number one ranking in. Here is an excerpt from the book that outlines the basic philosophy of the program note.
Week 1heavy work week 2explosive work week 3repetition work i call it cube tr. Westside barbell is the strongest gym in the world. Ive heard it 435 different times and it never gets old. Answering questions about the cube method for strongman. If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the faq by clicking the link above. Again, this is cube for strongman, the original cube may get different results. The following routine is designed as a basic guide or template for those new to strongman. Jim wendlers 531 program has become incredibly popular because its simple and it works for a lot of people. Juggernaut training template for powerlifting peaking.
A standard template for the strongman competitor elite fts. Cube is another one of those, aimed squarely at a 10week programme for a powerlifting meet. I just finished a wave of the cube method which was good but i am considering slightly tweaking it so i squat twice per week and also add a fourth day of strongmanmedley conditioning day on saturday. But the cube method for strongman is not just another weightlifting program. Build strength and size with the cube method muscle. In addition to this josh is owner and ceo of conquest nutrition, a sports supplement company. Josh is a sought after public speaker where he has used his athletic platform to speak to over a million people world wide with an inspiring message. Never done the cube method but i had good success with 531. Nov 21, 2015 i already checked cube method for strongman and 531 for strongman for sure. I think i went through it for like 9 months somewhere in the 2010 2012 timeframe. I have been using the cube for my pressing events though and like that a lot. Jan 12, 2018 501kg deadlift 2017 2018 2018 worlds strongest man americas strongest man arnold classic arnold strongman classic brian shaw car deadlift chris vachio deadlift drew springs eddie hall events giants live finals giants live finals results hafthor bjornsson how to kalle beck lightweight strongwoman live stream log press official strongman games. The cube method for strongman by josh thigpen has been one of the most popular and successful programs for strongman over the past decade.
Powerlifter log cube method training logs forums t nation. I was skipping the accessory work specified though and using grip related stuff instead. Nov 17, 2019 cube method for strongman cube method calculator. If youre a patient intermediate lifter or a smart advanced lifter and you want to get stronger by making deliberate and steady progress each month then follow this program.
Sign up for these templates and get new updated cube training delivered right to your phone through an app updated monthly. Without having access to strongman kit, i never got the chance to tackle the event days each week but once i move nearer to a gym that has some strongman kit i shall be revisiting this one. As such, the program is structured around peaking in the 10th week. The third and final edition of the revolutionary cube method for strongman is here. Did most of you that ran the cube the 1st time with the sample template lilly gave. Cube method info please if this is your first visit, be sure to check out the faq by clicking the link above. Brandon lilly is a beast with huge raw and geared powerlifting totals. If youre interested in doing the cube method, youll probably want to snag a copy of 365 strong for reference material. Cube for strongman templates starting strongman store. Strongman needs analysis it takes more than just being a dude whos strong in the gym to be good at strongman. Looking for templates for crafts, scrapbooking or any other project.
To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. At baseline, it doesnt beat the lifter up as much as i found 531 did. This method was created, and has been used by brandon lilly himself. My waves are 3 weeks for squat bench and deadlift and they are modeled like this. Brandon lillys cube method program spreadsheet 2020 lift. So far, in the 16 weeks taking out deload weeks, i have put on 65 lbs on my bench press, 70 lbs on my squat, and nearly 100 lbs on my deadlift. I dont really understand how 3x3 matrix is a cube method. When you order the cube method for strongman you will also get these free bonus products.
May 01, 2020 juggernaut method base template spreadsheet. Had some questions from some people about the ladder drills and foot work for the cube so here is a little vid that hopefully explains it a little better. This new book takes the principles of the first two programs to another level. Last year, i used a combination of chase karnes 531 for strongman and the cube method. A quick intro to the cube method for those of you that dont know how i model my training, this is my second week of my deadlift wave so it is a speed week. Just dont understand some things that you suggested like heavy db rows between sets on bench day and why do you. I dont know about you guys but when i first started training for strongman it was pick a. It can be used by web designers to design web pages.
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